BONDLAYER Technology
With our tool you can accomplish every stage of your project:
- Craft your design with real content;
- Setup your interactions and responsive behaviours;
- Deploy your project with a single-click.
Design The Real Thing
Bondlayer has removed the gap between design and implementation stages. No more potential ideas and solutions that will never see fruition. See the real animated digital presence, test transitions, and animations. What you see is what you get.
Design your layout easily. Drag and drop elements on canvas, tweak their size and spacing, position them around organically or use grid based controls for structuring.
Craft every detail of your layouts.
Benefit from standardized tools including fills, strokes, shadows, blend modes and image adjustments. Get full control of text rendering, working in different mediums, with no surprises.
Support every screen size.
Embrace the fluidity of the digital medium and create layouts that look and work gracefully on any screen. You can add, remove and adjust breakpoints for any viewport. Your layout sets the rules.
Avoid repetitive changes and spare your energy for being creative. Global Colors, Shared Styles and Symbols help you to keep consistency over your style guide and design patterns - change any instance and the others will follow-through. Use them in combo for even better efficency!
Share your work-in-progress remotely with your team and clients. For native apps, use the Bondlayer Previewer - every change in layout or content propagates immediatly across every peer.
Bring your design to life
Your clients' imagination is not always your ally. Allow them to see the real animated digital presence you are planning, letting them to test transitions and animations. They will get what they are seeing. For sure.
Spice up the user experience. Get a feeling a webapp could never deliver using the default native trasitions, animations and gestures.
Control how elements animate between different states and choose between hovers, clicks or scroll-based events to trigger the transition, taking full advantage of CSS3.
Boost engagement with interactive content from 3rd party sources. Embed Videos (Vimeo and Youtube), Sound (Spotify and Soundcloud) and Maps (Google).
Preview the final result while you build the layouts or just update content. Share a preview link to your website with your clients and collaborators at any time. To share the native apps work in progress just ask them to download Bondlayer preview from the app stores and send them a link and pass to your project.
Design with real content and create lists of entries faster. Setup an item-master layout and bind it to a content collection - each entry will be rendered using this master layout. Use filters and sorts to curate the list.
Custom Content Modeling
Building a custom multilingual back office has never been so easy. Everyone that was once involved in the process of getting a custom CMS up and running will agree we are witnessing a real revolution (don’t be shy with words when they make sense). A new era has just started. Enjoy it!
Model your data structures to match your content needs. Use a myriad of field types or start faster using several Presets (Blog, Event, Venue and others). Bind your data with the design and create your CMS visually.
Create relations between several collections with single or multi reference fields. Define the options your content manager can chose when creating a new entry (e.g. categories of an article, genres of a movie, colours of a product)
Change your project data structures with ease and flexibility. Feel free to add any extra fields as your project grows over time. Don't limit yourself.
Set up as many languages as you want and when you want to. You’ll be able to introduce the content of different languages in a single and comprehensive back office.
Make it easy for the user to browse and discover what they are looking for adding filters, sorts and pagination to your lists. You can also add a Search Box to help discovery inside a list.
Every content asset goes directly to the media library. Control the metadata infos and edit the images with adjustment options and cropping functionality.
Get your business online
If you’re at all interested in starting your own online business, do it in style. Bondlayer enables you to fully customize your eCommerce store either on website or native app. Let your business get much love on the internet.
Now that you know the importance of engaging and delighting your visitors with items that can complement their selection, curate your product pages to optimize your eCommerce website.
Cart & Checkout
Create a well-designed shopping cart and customize your checkout form. Preventing buyers from abandoning the buying process is the route to increase your online revenue.
Optimize checkout conversion, and increase growth with embeddable payment forms, like PayPal, Stripe, etc.
Automatic setup and full customization of shipping and tax rates. Save in dealing with this kind of issues will free you up to focus on your online business.
Hassle-Free Publishing And Hosting
It doesn't matter whether your users access through mobile or desktop, your information will always be there, up to date, across the globe and totally secure.
with no pain
Forget about server configurations and maintenance – this is our end of the deal. Get your binary to publish your app directly onto the App Store and Play Store,
with no stress
Don’t worry about traffic picks. System will upscale and downscale as needed Everything will be hosted on Amazon servers around the world with high service levels.
Set up
Get your project set up in a transparente way. It will live in the Amazon cloud and you will never ever have to think about servers
Your content if totally secure with us. Being distributed among several servers around the world and with permanent backups routines, it is almost impossible for you to see your content disappear or being robbed.
Customize page and site titles to improve results in search engines. Edit page and menu titles and benefit from structured content and headings, which considerably improves results.
Sometimes you just need to get your content and start your website or app in some-other platform. We will not lock you in. You will get your Json, your CSS, your html, your JavaScript files and start a new life. No hard feelings.
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